An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation
1 | Weight | Molecular weight(not including H) |
2 | nhyd | Count of hydrogen atoms |
3 | nhal | Count of halogen atoms |
4 | nhet | Count of hetero atoms |
5 | nhev | Count of heavy atoms |
6 | ncof | Count of F atoms |
7 | ncocl | Count of Cl atoms |
8 | ncobr | Count of Br atoms |
9 | ncoi | Count of I atoms |
10 | ncarb | Count of C atoms |
11 | nphos | Count of P atoms |
12 | nsulph | Count of S atoms |
13 | noxy | Count of O atoms |
14 | nnitro | Count of N atoms |
15 | nring | Number of rings |
16 | nrot | Number of rotatable bonds |
17 | ndonr | Number of H-bond donors |
18 | naccr | Number of H-bond acceptors |
19 | nsb | Number of single bonds |
20 | ndb | Number of double bonds |
21 | ntb | Number of triple bonds |
22 | naro | Number of aromatic bonds |
23 | nta | Number of all atoms |
24 | AWeight | Average molecular weight(not including H) |
25 | PC1 | Molecular path counts of length 1-6 |
26 | PC2 | Molecular path counts of length 1-6 |
27 | PC3 | Molecular path counts of length 1-6 |
28 | PC4 | Molecular path counts of length 1-6 |
29 | PC5 | Molecular path counts of length 1-6 |
30 | PC6 | Molecular path counts of length 1-6 |
Visits since Mar 3, 2015
Copyright @ 2012- Computational Biology & Drug Design Group,
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central South University.
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ChemDes by CBDD Group, CSU, China. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.