
An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation

Constitutional descriptors (30)

1 Weight Molecular weight(not including H)
2 nhyd Count of hydrogen atoms
3 nhal Count of halogen atoms
4 nhet Count of hetero atoms
5 nhev Count of heavy atoms
6 ncof Count of F atoms
7 ncocl Count of Cl atoms
8 ncobr Count of Br atoms
9 ncoi Count of I atoms
10 ncarb Count of C atoms
11 nphos Count of P atoms
12 nsulph Count of S atoms
13 noxy Count of O atoms
14 nnitro Count of N atoms
15 nring Number of rings
16 nrot Number of rotatable bonds
17 ndonr Number of H-bond donors
18 naccr Number of H-bond acceptors
19 nsb Number of single bonds
20 ndb Number of double bonds
21 ntb Number of triple bonds
22 naro Number of aromatic bonds
23 nta Number of all atoms
24 AWeight Average molecular weight(not including H)
25 PC1 Molecular path counts of length 1-6
26 PC2 Molecular path counts of length 1-6
27 PC3 Molecular path counts of length 1-6
28 PC4 Molecular path counts of length 1-6
29 PC5 Molecular path counts of length 1-6
30 PC6 Molecular path counts of length 1-6

Visits since Mar 3, 2015

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School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central South University. All rights reserved.

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