An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation
1 | W | Weiner index |
2 | AW | Average Wiener index |
3 | J | Balaban |
4 | Thara | Harary number |
5 | Tsch | Schiultz index |
6 | Tigdi | Graph distance index |
7 | Platt | Platt number |
8 | Xu | Xu index |
9 | Pol | Polarity number |
10 | Dz | Pogliani index |
11 | Ipc | Ipc index |
12 | BertzCT | BertzCT |
13 | GMTI | Gutman molecular topological index based on simple vertex degree |
14 | ZM1 | Zagreb index with order 1-2 |
15 | ZM2 | Zagreb index with order 1-2 |
16 | MZM1 | Modified Zagreb index with order 1-2 |
17 | MZM2 | Modified Zagreb index with order 1-2 |
18 | Qindex | Quadratic index |
19 | diametert | Largest value in the distance matrix |
20 | radiust | radius based on topology |
21 | petitjeant | Petitjean based on topology |
22 | Sito | the logarithm of the simple topological index by Narumi |
23 | Hato | harmonic topological index proposed by Narnumi |
24 | Geto | Geometric topological index by Narumi |
25 | Arto | Arithmetic topological index by Narumi |
26 | ISIZ | Total information index on molecular size |
27 | TIAC | Total information index on atomic composition |
28 | DET | Total information index on distance equality |
29 | IDE | Mean information index on distance equality |
30 | IVDE | Total information index on vertex equality |
31 | Sitov | Logarithm of the simple topological index by Narumi |
32 | Hatov | Harmonic topological index proposed by Narnumi |
33 | Getov | Geometric topological index by Narumi |
34 | Gravto | Gravitational topological index based on topological distance |
35 | GMTIV | Gutman molecular topological index based on valence vertex degree(log10) |
Visits since Mar 3, 2015
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