
An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation

Topology descriptors (35)

1 W Weiner index
2 AW Average Wiener index
3 J Balaban
4 Thara Harary number
5 Tsch Schiultz index
6 Tigdi Graph distance index
7 Platt Platt number
8 Xu Xu index
9 Pol Polarity number
10 Dz Pogliani index
11 Ipc Ipc index
12 BertzCT BertzCT
13 GMTI Gutman molecular topological index based on simple vertex degree
14 ZM1 Zagreb index with order 1-2
15 ZM2 Zagreb index with order 1-2
16 MZM1 Modified Zagreb index with order 1-2
17 MZM2 Modified Zagreb index with order 1-2
18 Qindex Quadratic index
19 diametert Largest value in the distance matrix
20 radiust radius based on topology
21 petitjeant Petitjean based on topology
22 Sito the logarithm of the simple topological index by Narumi
23 Hato harmonic topological index proposed by Narnumi
24 Geto Geometric topological index by Narumi
25 Arto Arithmetic topological index by Narumi
26 ISIZ Total information index on molecular size
27 TIAC Total information index on atomic composition
28 DET Total information index on distance equality
29 IDE Mean information index on distance equality
30 IVDE Total information index on vertex equality
31 Sitov Logarithm of the simple topological index by Narumi
32 Hatov Harmonic topological index proposed by Narnumi
33 Getov Geometric topological index by Narumi
34 Gravto Gravitational topological index based on topological distance
35 GMTIV Gutman molecular topological index based on valence vertex degree(log10)

Visits since Mar 3, 2015

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