An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation
1 | 0Xv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
2 | 1Xv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
3 | 2Xv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
4 | 3Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
5 | 4Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
6 | 5Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
7 | 6Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
8 | 7Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
9 | 8Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
10 | 9Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
11 | 10Xpv | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path order 0-10 |
12 | 3Xvc | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for three cluster |
13 | 4Xvc | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for four cluster |
14 | 4Xvpc | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for path/cluster |
15 | 3XvCH | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6 |
16 | 4XvCH | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6 |
17 | 5XvCH | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6 |
18 | 6XvCH | Valence molecular connectivity Chi index for cycles of 3-6 |
19 | 0X | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
20 | 1X | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
21 | 2X | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
22 | 3Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
23 | 4Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
24 | 5Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
25 | 6Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
26 | 7Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
27 | 8Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
28 | 9Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
29 | 10Xp | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path order 0-10 |
30 | 3Xc | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for three cluster |
31 | 4Xc | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for four cluster |
32 | 4Xpc | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for path/cluster |
33 | 3XCH | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6 |
34 | 4XCH | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6 |
35 | 5XCH | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6 |
36 | 6XCH | Simple molecular connectivity Chi indices for cycles of 3-6 |
37 | mChi1 | mean chi1 (Randic) connectivity index |
38 | knotp | the difference between chi3c and chi4pc |
39 | dchi0 | the difference between chi0v and chi0 |
40 | dchi1 | the difference between chi1v and chi1 |
41 | dchi2 | the difference between chi2v and chi2 |
42 | dchi3 | the difference between chi3v and chi3 |
43 | dchi4 | the difference between chi4v and chi4 |
44 | knotpv | the difference between chiv3c and chiv4pc |
Visits since Mar 3, 2015
Copyright @ 2012- Computational Biology & Drug Design Group,
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central South University.
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ChemDes by CBDD Group, CSU, China. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.